The staff of the department actively participate in the life of the university. They participate in international projects. Research and experimental work is carried out jointly with scientists from other universities and institutes of the republic. The department participates in research work, which is carried out within the framework of an agreement between Konkuk University, (South Korea) and K.I. Scriabin KNAU. The title of the research work “Adaptation of Korean broiler chickens Hanhyap-3 to the conditions of the Chui and Osh regions of the Kyrgyz Republic”. Professor of the department Aknazarov B.K. He has shown high activity in cooperation with international projects, such as the Aga Khan Foundation, the Agricultural Investment and Services Project (ASIU) World Bank, International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD). Investments were attracted for the FPC of veterinarians and training of students for more than 1.5 million US dollars. The department has close scientific and practical ties with CIS universities, such as MGAVMB, TSHA, Kostroma Agricultural Academy, KazNAU, Kostanay State University, etc. Professor Aknazarov B.K. has a great scientific and pedagogical potential and has completed training courses in many developed countries of the world, such as Russia, USA, Thailand, the State of Israel, France, Turkey, Brazil, China, Indonesia, Spain, etc.