Department of Infectious and Parasitic Animal Diseases









Mission and history of the department

The mission of the department is the training of highly qualified personnel in the specialty 610001 – “Veterinary”.

Currently, over 300 students are studying at the department and the educational process is carried out by 11 highly qualified specialists. For the implementation of the educational process, the department has an appropriate material and technical base, equipped with modern technology and equipment of the audience for lectures and laboratory and practical classes.

The Department of Infectious and Parasitic Animal Diseases was founded in 1936 and was called the Department of Epizootology. The first head of the department from 1936 to 1938. was a candidate of veterinary sciences, associate professor – T. G. Gainullin. In 1940-1960, well-known scientists from the central universities of the USSR worked at the department.

From 1938 to 1981, the department was headed by the Honored Worker of Science of the Kirghiz SSR, Doctor of Veterinary Sciences, Professor S. N. Anastasyan. In the republic, he was the first to diagnose infectious encephalomyelitis (IEM) and epizootic equine lymphangitis. V. T. Polovnikov, Sh. S. Sukeev, A. N. Anichkov, M. I. Buchnev defended their candidate dissertations under the supervision of S. N. Anastasyan.

In the 1970s, as a result of the reorganization of the higher education program, microbiology and virology, and then parasitology were added to the department of epizootology.

From 1982 to 1993, the department was headed by a well-known entomologist, Doctor of Veterinary Sciences, Professor A.P. Kamarli. Under his leadership, Israilov A.A. defended his thesis.

From 1993 to 2013, the department was headed by the honored worker of the village. X. KR, Doctor of Veterinary Sciences, Professor D. R. Raimbekov. Z. S. Keldibekova (2001), K. A. Karypov (2002), M. A. Dzhumalieva (2015) defended their Ph.D. Postgraduate student of the department A. K. Cholzhiev in 2006 received the title of Doctor of Veterinary Medicine at the University of Giessen in Germany.

Subsequently, the department was headed by associate professors Karypov K. A. (2013-2017) and Dzhetigenov E. A. (2017-2021). From 2021 to the present, he is the head of the department Ph.D. D., Associate Professor Karypov K. A.

Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of the Kyrgyz Republic, Laureate of the State Prize of the Kyrgyz Republic, Honored Scientist of the Kyrgyz Republic, Doctor of Veterinary Sciences, Professor R. Z. Nurgaziev worked at the department in 1989-2002. During these years, under his leadership, postgraduate students of the department A.T. Birimkulova (1996), I. Ziyadinov (2003), A. K. Usubaliev (2003).


  1. Biosafety and organization of work of diagnostic laboratories. Purpose: training of specialists who know how to work safely in the laboratory and in the epidemiological focus
  2. Laboratory diagnosis of infectious diseases. Purpose: training of specialists in the diagnosis of infectious diseases.
  3. Laboratory diagnostics of invasion diseases. Purpose: training of specialists in the diagnosis of parasitic diseases.
  4. Infectious diseases of fish, bees and small animals. Purpose: training of specialists in infectious diseases of fish, bees, cats, dogs and other animals.
  1. The department has a modern molecular biology laboratory and qualified specialists capable of providing proper laboratory diagnostic tests in accordance with international standards

    In recent years, the laboratory, with the support of foreign partners and the state order, has been conducting research on monitoring diseases of the infectious pathology of animals.

    With the assistance of the Aga Khan Foundation, for the first time in Kyrgyzstan, laboratory staff, using molecular biological studies, diagnosed contagious goat pleuropneumonia in the south of the country

  1. Employees of the department outside the K R for advanced training

    Associate Professor Karypov K.A.:

    • in Veterinary Microbiology and Mycology at the Moscow Veterinary Academy (November 2016);
    • in Epidemiology at the Toulouse Veterinary School (France, 2017).

    Associate Professor Jetigenov E.A.:

    • February 2017 Russian Federation Lipetsk. Participation in the 30th international scientific conference “The Potential of Modern Science”.
    • March 2017 Russian Federation Moscow ICHA. Management of scientific reports of students, in the international student scientific and practical conference.
    • April 2017 Kazakhstan National Agrarian University, for the exchange of experience and in order to get acquainted with the educational process and laboratories of the Faculty of Veterinary Kaz. NAU.

    Associate Professor Maygulakova L. T.

    • Fisheries and Aquaculture (Finland, 2021).

    Senior teacher Arziev K.A.:

    • according to PCR analysis Russian Federation, Moscow TsNMVL (2017);
    • on academic mobility at the University of Eastern Finland (2019).
  1. Under the leadership of Maygulakova L.T. in 2016, the thesis work of the 5th year student Melisbek u. B. on the topic: “Sanitary and microbiological indicators of the national meat product.” In 2015, 2nd year student Toktanaliev N. T. (supervisor – Jetigenov E. A.) participated in the international scientific and practical student conference in Moscow, Russian Federation. In 2017, 3rd year students Aitbaev A., Turganbekova A., Anvarbek u. A. to participate in an international conference in Moscow, Russia, dedicated to the 70th International Scientific and Practical Student Conference (supervisor – Associate Professor Dzhetigenov E.A.). As a result, A. Turganbekova received a diploma of the third degree.

The staff of the Department

Keldibekova Zamira Sadybakasovna

Acting Associate Professor of the Department of Infectious and Parasitic Animal Diseases of KNAU named after. K. I. Scriabina


Raimbekov Dokturbek Raimbekovich

Professor of the Department of Infectious and Parasitic Animal Diseases of KNAU named after. K. I. Scriabina


Maygulakova Lidia Toyalevna

Associate Professor of the Department of Infectious and Parasitic Animal Diseases FVMiB KNAU named after. K.I. Scriabin

Kylychbekov Dulat Seitbekovich

Associate Professor of the Department of Infectious and Parasitic Animal Diseases FVMiB KNAU named after. K.I. Scriabin


Associate Professor of the Department of Infectious and Parasitic Animal Diseases of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnology KNAU

Orozov Zhailoobek Chokonovich

associate professor
candidate of biological sciences

Chegirov Salamat Birimkulovich

associate professor
candidate of biological sciences

Atabekova Nurzina Sagynbaevna

Assistant of the Department of Infectious and Parasitic Animal Diseases, KNAU

Berdikulov Atabek Musabekovich

Assistant of the Department of Infectious and Parasitic Animal Diseases, KNAU

Камчибеков Бексултан Камчибекович

Assistant of the Department of Infectious and Parasitic Animal Diseases, KNAU

Raimberdieva Mairamgul Jumabaevna
